The Book

The Book

Nansea Cross, a math teacher and tutor, shares discoveries that make math easier to teach and more exciting to learn. Beginning with the multiplication table, she found that all the multiples of all the numbers-taken through a simple process-reveal different patterns. Looking deeper, she realized that these patterns repeat, have symmetry, and all add up to the same reduced number. The patterns occur horizontally, vertically, and diagonally in both directions -and there are also patterns with perfect squares, perfect cubes, exponents, triangular numbers, and the hundreds board. Throughout the book, you'll find charts, diagrams, and directions on where you can find additional resources to help students learn. You'll also find ideas for exciting class projects and tips on engaging students. Even veteran teachers will be impressed by the new dimension you can add to math by focusing on simple patterns that will inspire, motivate, and energize students at all levels. Get ready to have some fun with Mind-Blowing Math.

Mind-Blowing Math – Mysteries Revealed by Nansea Cross was released on August 15, 2016. It is available in hardcover, softcover, and digital versions. The book can be purchased , Barnes and , iUniverse bookstore

This book is appropriate for a large audience. Here is a partial list of people who would benefit from it.

  • Math Teachers at: traditional schools, charter schools, alternative schools – Montessori and Waldorf, etc, private schools, homeschools, tutors
  • Parents of math students
  • Math geeks and people who like to work with numbers, i.e. accountants
  • People with an interest in numerology
  • People interested in new innovative ideas
  • Students studying to become math teachers